Geotechnica 2021 – Great to see you!
Geotechnica 2021, a step towards the latest new normal? Well, our team certainly think so after a packed two days at the Warwickshire Event Centre.
We were hopeful of a good turnout at the Equipe organised event this year, after nearly two years off the event circuit, and Geotechnica 2021 didn’t disappoint. A great mix of clients, suppliers, and even our own staff paying the stand a visit, taking the opportunity to have some great conversations about our Boring capabilities. Our Boring T-shirts were very popular, as was our new short film, “The Overview“, presenting a quick-fire tour through our wide array of skills and works locations. Discrete thanks must go to all the clients who allowed us to include their fantastic projects in the piece.
Our team at the event, including Project Managers, Drillers, Regional Managers and almost the entire Preconstruction Department had an excellent chance to engage with our supply chain face to face, and took full opportunity. It’s not often we get chance to talk away from the pressures of site or office, and reports back have been very good. We really value these less formal encounters, both with long-standing suppliers, and with people who have something new to offer. An absolutely key supplier engagement came on Day 1 of the event, when Operations Manager

Tom Walton signed a deal with Dave Nevey of Eijklekamp Fraste to acquire 3 brand new bespoke specification rigs. We’re really looking forward to this next step in our fleet renewal, moving along our sustainability journey with lower emissions and greater fuel economy.
The event, and its networking dinner, provided an excellent opportunity for learning as well as face to face engagement, along with some fascinating conversation. With Conference topics ranging from the AGS led work on the new Yellow Book revision and the use of ECI in Ground investigation, to Risk Management, Circular Land Use, and Early Career Technical guides, there was definitely something for everyone.
However, we must move on, taking our much sought-after T-Shirts, and some more serious conversations about our capabilities and ability to make major contributions to your geotechnical projects with us. You can catch up with the team at the AGS Conference in September (We’re an event Sponsor), and maybe collect some Boring things to remember us by. If you’ve a more pressing need for Geotechnical Testing, Ground Investigation or Grouting services, just click here and get in touch.