Corporate Responsibility

Soil Engineering Geoservices Ltd. recognise the importance of meeting our social, economic and environmental responsibilities. We have established, and continue to develop, a number of opportunities to succeed in these areas.

With regards to our social responsibility, we shall:

  • Encourage apprenticeships in our local communities
  • Promote and support development through training of our employees
  • Work with local educational institutions to provide the opportunity for students to gain experience within our industry
  • Support our employees in charitable work
  • Through the VINCI UK Foundation support projects that promote social cohesion and fight exclusion

With regards to our economic responsibility, we shall:

  • Work ethically with our Clients and our supply chain
  • Source locally where practicable to help support the local economy

With regards to our environmental responsibility, we shall:

  • Continually drive improvements in the energy performance of our business
  • Seek out new and innovative ways to reduce the embodied carbon footprint of our projects

This policy, which is reviewed annually, is communicated to all employees and persons working on our behalf, is displayed at all of our sites and is made publically available via our websites.


Group Corporate Social Responsibility


60 +
Years in business
7000 +
Projects completed
50 +
Active projects
Explore Projects ➜


Our location:

Registered Office:
Henderson House, Langley Place, Higgins Lane, Burscough, Lancashire, L40 8JS

Quick contact:

0113 2711111
