Access to the first working area was straightforward, restricted only by a wish to retain hard landscaping and public realm features undisturbed wherever possible. Therefore squeezing a trial pit in behind a bench (see below) presented the biggest challenge in this part of the site. An isolated courtyard within the Victoria Hospital complex proved a much greater challenge.
As no equipment or materials could be brought through the hospital buildings it was necessary to form a new access route. The safest and lowest impact solution was to create a scaffold staircase (see main photo) leading up and over a wall to the working area. Soil Engineering engaged a specialist supplier to design and install the access. This allowed us to undertake the works with minimal external disruption, and no use of internal access routes in the busy hospital.
Samples were recovered from each excavation during works, with logging completed by our Geotechnical Engineers. The samples were sent for lab analysis to support the design process. All data was reported in AGS 4 format, managed offsite through our specialist Data team. Meanwhile, each excavation was fully reinstated to the client’s expectations before site handback and demobilisation.
Providing simple deliverables in the face of complex site restrictions is not unusual for Soil Engineering. With talented project managers, and a fully vetted broad supply chain we will provide you with a solution to any challenge. If you need an innovative solution to acquiring your geotechnical data, just fill out our contact form and we’ll be in touch with an answer.
When a specialist Trenchless & Civils Contractor realised they had water ingress issues in their Launch Pit, they turned to Soil Engineering for a rapid turnaround Ground Investigation Due to project sensitivities we can’t name their project or client, but when it became apparent that the original GI for Stockton Drilling’s Direct Pipe Launch Pit […]
Read more ➜Transport Scotland have awarded Soil Engineering the latest contract on the A9, with a focus on sustainable ground investigation as a key deliverable. In announcing the award of the £635,000 project to Soil Engineering, Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Fiona Hyslop MSP highlighted the need to provide sustainable ground investigation from an environmental and social perspective. […]
Read more ➜Since our last update, our new Sonic Rig has been through commissioning and familiarisation training, and been back on transport to get to its first project.It’s been delivering sonic solutions on a project in the Highlands of Scotland, supporting another of our projects to deliver high-quality data for a key client.We can’t tell you where […]
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