Soil Engineering Mark Vinci Environment Day

Soil Engineering, as part of the global Vinci Group, are today celebrating Vinci Environment Day. This signifies both our formal commitment to reduce our Environmental Impact though development, education and innovation, and the launch of the Group internal Environmental Awards. Soil Engineering join Vinci in the collective commitment to reduce direct CO2 emissions by 40% by 2030, alongside improvements in waste management, and water usage. We will be working with our Staff, Group colleagues, Clients and Supply Chain to realise this challenging ambition, through improved processes and procedures, investment in People, Plant and Infrastructure, and working with clients to identify potential efficiencies within projects.

Vinci Environment Day provides an opportunity to pull a sharp focus on how we work, and how we can work more efficiently in the future to reduce our overall environmental impact. Our Staff and Team members will receive update briefings from Senior Management (remotely, both for social distancing and fuel economy reasons), and are encouraged to put forward ideas to improve the environmental impact of not only site works, but office and depot activities.

1:00 AM Jan 1st

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