Carbon Reduction Strategy

Soil Engineering are conscious of construction’s role in the global road to net zero. As such, we have developed a Carbon Reduction Strategy which is published below.

Our Carbon Reduction Strategy is aligned with our 40by30 pledge for a staged approach to carbon reduction targets, including a requirement for absolute reductions at an early stage rather than simple offsetting. It pairs an open-minded approach to innovation and the adoption of new technologies with behavioural and cultural changes, and continued investment in efficient equipment and working practices.

Our Carbon reduction strategy will be periodically reviewed, and is seen as a step in our journey towards fully validated science based targets. Paired with our support of innovative research into carbon efficiencies in construction we believe that while challenging, our goal is achievable and will benefit the wider construction community.

SEGL Simple_Carbon-Reduction-Plan_Nov 2023

1:00 AM Jan 1st

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